Formation en premiers secours et en RCP

First Response
with Crystal Divers

Emergency First Response

CPR and First Aid: Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care

Emergency First Response is a non-diving course and it is open to everyone. The EFR course provides internationally recognised, comprehensive CPR (Primary Care) and First Aid (Secondary Care) training. In addition providing essential life saving skills that are useful for everyone. The EFR course is also a pre-requisite for anyone planning to take the Rescue Diver or Divemaster Course. The certification is valid for 24 months. We also offer refresher programs to already certified EFR provider.

The EFR course is aimed at everyone, not just divers and is a great way to learn potentially life saving skills in a relaxed fun way that will build your confidence should you need to assist anyone in the future. This is a great course for anyone that works with the general public or people looking to learn skills that can assist loved ones when first to the scene of a medical emergency. Skills are broken down into simple easy to remember steps to help retention. We can also teach you skills specific to children and infants for even more knowledge and protection.

Emergency First Response

materials included
per person

  • Duration: 1 Day

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PADI Advanced Open Water

PADI Rescue Course

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