PADI Drift Diver with Crystal Divers

PADI Drift Diver

Drift diving is a relaxing and enjoyable form of diving that offers an alternative to using lines and other techniques to move against current. It is especially suited to Bali as we have both mild and strong currents with long reefs.

The current allows the diver to see more aquatic life and underwater formations than usual. Drift diving is often performed more for the experience of underwater flight! While it is an effective way 
to dive, it is typically difficult or impossible for divers to swim against currents for anything more than a short distance while drift diving.

You will learn techniques to safely conduct and control the drift dive such as staying together as a group and maintaining contact with the boat.

PADI Drift Diver

including materials
Rp 4.6m
  • Duration: 1 Day
  • Min Age: 12
  • Min level: PADI Open Water
Two PADI Drift Divers holding hands, swimming against the currents.
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