As you can see. The Brand new version of Crystal Divers web presence is online. A new website! First out was our baby sister company in Thailand Crystal Waves. Now we are rolling out a new version as well. Crystal Divers is also turning 20years!!! 20 years as a PADI Dive Center. How about that, another reason to renew our self a bit. So with this new site we hope you will be happier by finding things more easy as well as being able to contact us more easy. A new thing we made for the new site was the “meet the staff“. Not only do you see photos of our entire crew but you can also find videos of all the instructors here at Crystal. Go check out and learn 5 things you did not know about your PADI instructor. You can find the videos on our youtube page as well. #CrystalDivers #myPADI #youtube #divinginbali #crystal20