Self reliant Diver Course


PADI Self reliant Diver Course with one of the few platinum  Course Directors in the world, Minni Vangsgaard at Crystal Divers Bali

Do you trust yourself and your gear enough to become a certified PADI Self Reliant Diver ? This is not a speciality course for everyone, but is designed for divers who are often in circumstances when they do not have a buddy to rely on, in particular dive guides, photographers, videographers and instructors.  Self reliant training involves emphasizes the importance of effective dive planning whilst incorporating elements of tec training in calculating your bottom time. Training dives focus on how to manage a range of problems and safety drills using an independent alternate air source, thus expanding a divers skill basis and developing a new perspective on their diving. Overall, self reliant divers gain more confidence during any dive regardless of whether they dive with a buddy or alone. Also you ones your certified your insurance is more likely to cover you if anything goes wrong, since insurances normally states that your covered as long as you dive within your certification level which both divers on this course now will be next time they go on their own.

Our latest students were Darren, a very experienced diver  and keen  underwater photographer , along with Holly our very own Course Director who wanted to expand her own experience and continue to teach the self reliant course.

Early morning on a sunny day we started with theory , focusing on air consumption calculations, equipment requirements and what to consider when planning and conducting a self reliant dive.  Many of the points provoke interest and prompted discussions  and anecdotes based on different points of views of diving which added  to a very enjoyable theory session!

We then proceeded to plan for the logistics for our  3 Training dives in Tulamben the following day.

Training dives,

Awesome day, Sun was shining and visibility better than it has been for the last 4 weeks in Bali; I think we owe Darren a thanks for bringing some good weather with him to Bali. . . .

Dive 1

Self reliant diver course with Crystal divers Bali
Self reliant diver course with Crystal divers Bali

Dive 1: The Drop Off (Tulamben)

This dive was all about getting used to diving with the additional gear, practising buoyancy  control whilst carrying an independent alternate  air source and learning how to switch to a redundant air supply.  Darren and Holly then  performed a Surface Air Consumption (SAC) rate timed swim to determine their air consumption per minute whilst diving. To conclude the dive they made a safe ascent deploying a DSMB.


Dive 2: USAT liberty (tulamben)

Self reliant diver with crystal divers bali
Self reliant diver with crystal divers bali


The performance requirements in dive 2 focus on more on ‘diving your plan’  recording your depth and air consumption at pre agreed points throughout  the dive.  We also mask conducted a 2 minute swim without a mask, navigation skills and an out of air drill, all completed with no problems at all!


Dive 3:  5 Meter Reef (Tulamben)

Dive 3 was spent refining  the skills practiced so far and applying the air consumption calculations from previous dives to establish turn around pressure.


All 3 dives was very relaxed and the students had absolute TOP Score on all skills, Crystal Divers are proud to certify them both as Self Reliant Divers!


So  BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Darren and Holly!!!




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