Crystal Divers worldwide

Did you know that Crystal Diver have two additional locations around the world. The first one is in Bali of course. One of our other location is in South Africa. That was also our second shop that we opened up. You can find more info and contact on our SA Facebook page or Website.

Crystal SA Our last location is in Thailand. In Rawai, Phuket to be exact. This was our 3:rd and last location that we opened in August this year. Crystal Thailand is a Tec oriented center and will put a lot of it’s focus on the TecRec market but don’t be afraid of that. We will still cater to all levels of diving with the true Crystal Divers spirit. So if you are in the market for that true Crystal Divers feeling and you want to dive in Thailand, be sure to check out Crystal Waves next time you are there. Don’t forget to like the Crystal Waves Facebook page for all the good news from our sister shop in Thailand.

Crystal Waves Thailand DivingYou can contact each center for more information about what they have to offer as well as take part in any of their many dive offers available for you. All centers are 5 star PADI centers and follow not only the strict standards of PADI but also the Crystal Standards that ensure that you as a student or a diver, you will receive the best training possible. Our goal is that you will be satisfied with Crystal Divers where ever you go. So remember that if you are planing a trip to South Africa, Thailand or Bali. Check out our Crystal centers and prepare to be amazed!


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