Starting your Divemaster Training


Divemaster TrainingStart your dive career with Crystal Divers in Bali

So now I find myself have gone through my first couple of week as a Divemaster trainee here at Crystal Divers. Just a month ago I didn’t even know I was doing the course, but spontaneously I signed up for the PADI Rescue Course and Divemaster with Crystal Divers, and I’m so glad I did!

Some have asked what I’m expecting out of the course and why I’m doing it. That actually had me pausing to think about the actual reason I signed up, in the first place. The answer has to be that I’m hooked on diving, and has been, ever since my OWD two years ago (eventhough doing my AOW in a Swedish lake in the middle of the winter, wasn’t really my cup of tea- I totally prefer tropical water). Therefore, taking on the next step as a Divemaster, felt as the natural choice. Still, I’m not even sure whether or not I’m going to work as a Divermaster once I’ve finished, but the more I hang out here at the dive center and meet new customer, the more certain I am that I’ll actually want to work with it in the future.

So far my schedule has been very varying, one day I’m at the center to study some dive theory, the next day I’m in the pool either doing skill circuits or helping out at an Open Water Course and, the day after I join on some fun dives in Padang Bai or any of the other dive spots around the island. For me, the best part so far is to join Open Water students on their first visit into the big blue. It’s priceless to see their excitement after getting back to the surface and it totally brings you back to the moment you first breathed under water. I can’t stop thinking of how cool it is to be a part of a person’s first step (or fin stroke) to the other 70% of the world!

//Ellen – Divemaster trainee at Crystal Divers


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